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12 February 2016

Hells Bells... who needs Judges?

Shorter Michele Mandel at Toronto Sun... If you wanna choke or sexually assault a bunch of women and dance away without being punished... stay away from the really smart, worldly ones who don't take an iota of unnecessary shit from incipient sociopaths.
"Ghomeshi left the courthouse with his head held high. For the first time since his trial began Feb. 1, Sun photographer Craig Robertson said the accused man looked directly into his lens."
Just imagine for a moment that Jian Ghomeshi had tried to choke his lawyer, Marie Henein. Seems to me there would have been blood, hair and teeth all over the place... and trust me, it most assuredly would not have been hers.

Would he have been guilty then, Michele? Or would you have wanted assault charges filed against Ms. Henein?

The sentence that says it all...
"These women’s allegations of sexual assaultas true as they may be — "
Apparently, though... Ghomeshi knows how to pick 'em.