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10 February 2016

Barack's BFF implicated in attempted coverup...

...of Laquan McDonald shooting...
CHICAGO — City of Chicago lawyers, after meeting with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, demanded the Laquan McDonald family bury the video showing the killing of their son by a police officer.

Emanuel’s lawyers were offering $5 million in hush money to keep this hidden just weeks before the runoff election. And the biggest part of the deal—that McDonald family attorneys agreed to keep the video to themselves until criminal proceedings were concluded—just so happened to be inked the day after Emanuel was re-elected.
Will Barack Obama have anything to say about Rahm and the allegations? I'm hearing crickets.


FROM THE COMMENTS: The wheel is gaffed
The Dem party system has "superdelegates" it. Sanders and Clinton will get the same number of delegates...Hillary maybe MORE if you can believe's the way the corruption flows with the US. DemocRATS

RELATED: Meanwhile, closer to home...

...the Toronto body count continues to climb...
One man is charged and a second suspect is on the loose after a deadly double stabbing outside a North York bar early Tuesday. Toronto Police say the violence unfolded outside Gucci’s Bar and Grill at 1693 Jane St., just north of Lawrence Ave. W., around 2 a.m.
And over in Toronto "Welfare Hell"...
Toronto Police have identified the men involved in a weekend murder at a troubled Toronto Community Housing building.

TCHC spokesman Lisa Murray confirmed both men were residents of Wakunda Place. She added many at the building have been plagued by issues such as drug addiction, alcoholism and mental illness.
Wakunda, Wakunda... that sounds so familiar.