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25 January 2016

Sunny Ways... first principles

Let's face it, Canada... even terrorists need to feel loved.kill em all, let allah sort em out
Repealing the Conservative's Bill C-24, which allows the government to strip Canadian citizenship from dual citizens who are convicted of terrorism-related offences.
And, of course, there's this...
"The Conservatives had imposed changes to bureaucrats sick-leave policies that saved hundreds of millions a year, money that will now be added to the deficit."
Got too much money in your pocket? Don't worry... Justin Trudeau is gonna fix that too.


LAST WORD: Government by "procrastination"
"The CF-18s are due to end their Syrian mission in a few weeks anyway. A bit more stalling and the Liberals won't have to keep their pledge to end the mission early."
Can a Nobel "Peace Prize" be far behind?