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04 January 2016

Once again, you can thank the media... know, the folks who normalised Michael Jackson's "children in my bed" deal...
Bill Cosby was a beloved figure and civil-rights pioneer; hardened editors were horrified at the prospect of taking him down. I might as well have pitched a story about Martin Luther King Jr. philandering with white women. The story went nowhere.
Of course, the "community"... even those who had been physically violated... weren't much better...
As I debated whether to come forward, I struggled with where my allegiances should lie – with the women who were sexually victimized or with black America. I knew that, in my reluctance to add my assault to the allegations facing Cosby, I was allowing race to trump rape.
You know, I never once, during the Paul Bernardo or Russell Williams trials pondered my "racial alliegance." Wassup wit dat?

And even with dozens of victims, he could still, like OJ Simpson, get off...
If the judge in Andrea Constand’s case considers the other allegations against Cosby, it’s their damning words—all 46 accusers—against his.

RELATED: Compare and contrast
Nobody needed criminal convictions to drop Cosby - just multiple accusations of sexual assault and some out-of-court payouts. But multiple accusations of sexual assault, out-of-court payouts and the loss of his law license are apparently not enough to bar Bill Clinton from another eight years in the White House.

LAST WORD: Speaking of double standards...

He's asking for privacy, but Seamus O'Regan should get exactly the same amount of scrutiny, the media gave to Rob Ford.

Gotta love the timing, though... get elected, then admit you're a drunk.