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08 January 2016

My melting pot overfloweth

If a tree falls in the forest... but nobody is willing to admit that trees even exist anymore...
A leaked police document published Wednesday by the Bild newspaper reveals police were well aware of what happened all along. A senior officer said in his report it was a “gauntlet for women” and that people easily could have died.

The perpetrators ostensibly weren’t intimidated by the police presence and aimed fireworks and threw bottles at the responding officers, who left the scene without making any arrests.
Remember... it's your betters in the "professional" media who decide what gets to be news.


UPDATE: Cologne Police Chief out

Remember... it's not the crime that gets you... it's the cover up...
Wolfgang Albers was provisionally suspended following outrage over his department’s handling of the sexual assaults of women on New Year’s Eve reportedly by as many as 1,000 Arab or North African men.

Police officials said there were more than 170 complaints that alleged sexual assault — including two complaints of rape — and robbery during the night.
I wonder if Justin Trudeau is having any second thoughts?


UPDATE2: Germany starts to get it...
"And who is to blame mainly?" influential Hamburg broadcaster NDR editorial asked.

"These young, testosterone-driven time bombs with their image of women from the Middle Ages."
Somebody in the media is actually saying it.