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28 January 2016

It's not like it's costing us...

...twelve billion dollars annual... wait a minute...
Reserve schools are failing Canada’s aboriginal students and there is no quick-and-easy fix, says a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute. A study released Thursday by the research group found that only four of 10 young adults living on reserves across the country have finished high school.

Those figures contrast sharply with graduation rates of seven out of 10 for off-reserve aboriginals and nine out of 10 for non-aboriginals.
It's time to abolish the reserve system and bring these people into the 21st century.


RELATED: Who's zoomin' who?
Letter from John Ferguson to William Claus, Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 5 March 1819, concerning threats made by Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte to passers-by; the influence of white lumbermen over the Mohawks; lineage (in relation to a General Order on 2 November 1818 that presents should not be given to the descendants of Europeans):

“Will not a difficulty arise, as to who these people are? In the Mohawk village here, a large proportion are the immediate (perhaps the second generation) descendants of Germans; there is also a family of immediate descendants of Africans: Are they to be considered as Indians? There are also some descendants of Americans, whose ancestors were Europeans. Will they come within the intention of the Order? In fact there are but few real Indians amongst them.”
It's a scam, folks. And for two centuries we've all (including the supposed aboriginals) been paying for it.


LAST WORD: "Prime Minister Selfie"

Wanna meet the new PM? It's easy... just jump an immigration waiting line, or commit serial murder and he'll be there with bells on... whether he's wanted or not...
On Wednesday, acting mayor Kevin Janvier said the town was in mourning, and asked reporters to keep their distance. "As we continue to grieve, we ask the media to please respect our privacy.”
Yup... that could happen.


LASTER WORD: Just kidding, right Kevin?
Practically the whole town came out to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after he landed in La Loche, Sask., on Friday afternoon.