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23 January 2016

If you can go totally apesh!t...

...about teenage "child soldiers" such as Omar Khadr, but never give a thought to 9 year old "child brides"... you might be a Liberal.
Pakistani lawmakers had to withdraw a bill aimed at curbing the practice of child marriage after a prominent religious body declared the legislation un-Islamic.

Clerics on the council object to minimum age requirements, arguing instead that an individual can marry once reaching puberty, which can be as early as the age of 9.
Remember, this is a body of Muslim clerics shutting down government legislation aimed at preventing sexual abuse of children. Where are all those moderate Muslims the Liberals are constantly telling us about?

And, it gets better...
The council has garnered opprobrium in the past. In 2013, reports AFP, "it suggested making DNA inadmissible evidence in rape cases, instead calling for the revival of an Islamic law that makes it mandatory for a survivor to provide four witnesses to back their claims."
Justin Trudeau has a 7 year-old daughter... you think he'd be willing to walk her down the aisle in two years?