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30 December 2015

Those violent, knuckle-dragging Neo-Con...

...wait a minute...warm squishy liberalsHmmm... Roland Windsor Vincent... that sounds so familiar.


RELATED: Toronto "Red" Star yet again...

...exposes violent western Canada cowboy subculture in shocking headline...
Alberta man arrested after Air Canada flight forced back to Toronto
Just another damn Alberta shitkicker... uh, wait...
Jaskaran Sidhu of Fort McMurray, Alta., has been charged with two counts of mischief, assault causing bodily harm, and endangering the safety of an aircraft.
Great Gamil Gharbi, Batman!


LAST WORD: #BlackLiesMatterToo
A year-long Washington Post investigation revealed that the high-profile deaths that spark so much media and activist attention — “white police officers killing unarmed black men — represent less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings.”
Funny how little you hear about the other 96%, because... professional journalism.