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03 December 2015

The most interesting part of all this... watching Hussein Obama and the liberal media... unlike Farouk's own father... tapdance around the "M" word...
Mr. Farook’s father also identified his son as “very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”
That seems pretty clear to me.

Apparently, though... not to everyone...
At the White House, President Barack Obama said after meeting with his national security team that it was "possible this was terrorist-related" but that authorities were unsure. He raised the possibility that it was a workplace dispute or that mixed motives were at play.
I just want to know... if the shooter had been a member of the Westboro Baptist Church, would Obama still be using all these weasel words?


LAST WORD: What's PM Twitter saying?more weasel wordsWhat actually happened to all those people, Justin? You make it sound like they died in an earthquake.

I guess it actually was an "Act of God."

Here's a hint... they were m••••••• by a m•••••

Yes, yes... IT'S A MYSTERY.