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12 December 2015

The master of "bait & switch"

His "middle class tax cut" will cost Canada billions of dollars. He has pledged another three billion to "change the world's temperature."

He then pulled back sharply on the refugee throttle and climbed down from his promise to restore veterans offices. He also repudiated all of his "freedom of information" pledges and now there's this.

Let's face it, Canada... you've put P.T. Barnum in charge of the box office... and for the next four years those clumsy, garish clowns are gonna be continually tumbling out of the tiny red car.


UPDATE: About that $10,000,000,000 deficit...

...well, we sort of lied...
By targeting debt-to-GDP, the Liberals could instead be prepared to run annual deficits of up to $25 billion in the coming years.

RELATED: Gold in them thar hills...

As long as you're a non-English speaking Syrian Muslim.


LAST WORD: There's still legal dope, right?
"Beyond sunny ways, this is a government that looks to be light on core principles. It had best discover some, before it loses yet more credibility."