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06 December 2015

"Say, honey... could you stop at..."

•...the grocery store on the way home... we're all out of milk, assault rifles and hand grenades...•

farmers, hunters & target shooters•"And don't forget, there's a sale on Koran toilet paper."•


RELATED: Obama's emergency legislation...

Evil stainless steel out... only plastic cutlery allowed in USA from now on...
Dramatic footage has emerged of the moment a knife-wielding attacker was Tasered by police after injuring two people in a terrorist attack at a London tube station. Scotland Yard has now confirmed anti-terror police are investigating after eyewitnesses claimed they could hear the man shout 'this is for Syria' and 'all of your blood will be spilled' during the frightening ordeal.
Only a matter of time, Toronto.


UPDATE: Your moral & intellectual superiors...
Other newspapers, however, expressed the need for voters to support candidates they would otherwise abhor in order to keep Marine Le Pen’s party from the gates of power.
So much for simply reporting the news.