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25 December 2015

Quite an ambititious scheme...

...for peoples not previously known for their medical achievements...
The Islamic State's religious scholars have ruled that taking the organs of non-Muslims is permissible under Islamic law to save the life of a Muslim, because killing apostates to eat their flesh has previously been allowed.

The revelation comes in a January 2015 document that was captured by U.S. special forces in Syria in May and obtained by Reuters.
That's some Religion of Peace.


RELATED: Perception is reality
Here’s how it works. Let’s say that one day you walk into class and declare to all those present that you are a baboon. It took some time and a great deal of mental anguish, but you have finally discovered that you are not really a human being, but a baboon. You don't look like a baboon. In fact, you look just like a human being. And yet, the baboonist interpretation explains why you don't have any friends and why you have such bad table manners.

What more do you want?
Everything, apparently.