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10 December 2015

Just remember...

...when that first inevitable beating, rape, murder or nail bomb shatters your naive complacency... it wasn't Stephen Harper whose "sunny ways" & "outward hearting" made the tragedy possible...insert text hereThis just isn't the same thing as bringing in bringing in a bunch of Tool & Die journeymen from Glasgow, or multi-generational dairy farmers from the Netherlands...
"My final point is that the Middle East is a tar baby, and takes up far more American bandwidth than it deserves. There are no real nations there, just tribal and religious warfare. It is a pre-national, semi-civilized part of the world. There will be no end to that in our lifetimes."
Thank you, yet again, Prime Minister Care Bear.


RELATED: So, Mohammed, where you come from...

...that's considered entertainment?

Call me a naysayer, but I'm just not sure Hockey Night in Canada is gonna meet some folks expectations...
Allahu Akbar,” the crowd shouts...

Horrific new video shows Islamic State militants beheading two “magicians” accused of sorcery as a crowd of people cheered. Children were among those witnessing the beheading, which apparently took place in Sirte, Libya.

Video shows the militants sharpening a machete before presenting the men and preparing them for death. The video cuts out as the men are killed, but puddles of blood are seen on the ground, and lifeless bodies are later put into the back of a van.
I'm just a little unsure our new Islamic neighbours are gonna fit in around here.