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01 December 2015

I'm afraid the Prosecution lost me at...

..."his penis in one hand and a switchblade in the other"...
What surrealistic porn/slasher flick was playing in this guy's doped up frontal cortex when he decided to square off with a half dozen armed police officers?

Watch the video and tell me what you would have done.


UPDATE: Prosecutor's theory falls apart

Prosecutor Milan Rupic has been using the fact that Officer Forcillo's partner reholstered her firearm to suggest that she didn't see Sammy Yatim as a threat.

There's just one small problem with that argument...
"I thought that based on Mr. Yatim's behaviour and actions that he was going to get himself shot," Constable Iris Fleckeisen said. "He was hostile, angry, belligerent, and he was very defiantly and prominently displaying a knife in his right hand."

Fleckeisen provided her own interpretation of that moment, saying Yatim made a "very deliberate, intentional motion forward" in the moments before he was shot. "Mr. Yatim looked like he was coming off the streetcar," she said, adding that Forcillo's shots were consequently not unexpected.
Fleckeisen says she actually reholstered to call for a taser. She also says...
"That night was and remains the most terrifying moments of my life."
Prosecutor Rupic forgot Trial Lawyer Rule #1... never ask a question you don't already know the answer to.

This trial is over.