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19 December 2015

If you can't trust the news...

File this under, "I get by with a little help from my friends"...

In his meeting with the columnists, Mr. Obama indicated that he did not see enough cable television to fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, and made clear that he plans to step up his public arguments.
Government by CNN. I guess that's what happens when you refuse those security briefings. But you'll never find that out by reading the New York Times.

If you think the CBC doesn't protect their "APEC hottie" in a similar fashion, you are truly naive.

When exactly did media organisations turn into full-blown propaganda shops?


UPDATE: How government really works
“Was Tashfeen Malik actually given an interview in the K-1 process, do we know that?” Sen. David Purdue, R-Ga., asked FBI Director James Comey during a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing.

Comey replied that “the process requires” an interview, but that he didn’t know if one occurred.
Wait a minute...
At another hearing that same day, Leon Rodriguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, told a House panel no interview was required.
Feeling safer yet?


RELATED: Meanwhile, back at the birthplace...

...of the modern welfare state...
Parts of Stockholm, Trelleborg and Malmo have taken on a new, distinctively Middle Eastern look and feel. Sexual assaults, killings and gang activity are all on the rise. But the flood of new refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and North Africa in 2015 has been a wake-up call for many Swedes, who are now getting armed.

Demand for firearms licenses is increasing; more and more Swedes are joining shooting clubs and starting vigilante groups.

According to police statistics, there are 1,901,325 licensed guns, owned by 567,733 people, in Sweden.”
Apparently, there is a limit to what people will put up with.


"In all despotic regimes media is inseparable from ruling authority."