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09 November 2015

What Toronto really needs... 25,000 more unvetted, unemployable, non-English speaking adherents of a hostile idealogy...
According to police, a 50-year-old man standing on the sidewalk near Yonge and College streets was attacked and knocked to the ground by a man he didn’t know.

The assailant continued on into the mall, shoving a 70-year-old woman as he went down a flight of stairs.

When he got the bottom, he punched a 54-year-old woman in the face, knocking her to the ground, police said.

Paramedics transported the 50-year-old man and 54-year-old woman to hospital, where the man was treated for a broken hip and wrist, and the woman was treated for a broken wrist and bruising to her face.
Oh, gawd, this is Justin's multi-culti Canada... please be a rural, ultra-conservative, northern Ontario shitkicker with a closet full of guns.

In a news release issued Sunday, police said the suspect is described as black, standing six feet tall and weighing around 220 pounds. He has dreadlocks and a full beard and was wearing a hat, long dark jacket, jeans and boots. He was also carrying a black bag.

RELATED: Couldn't happen here, right?
Italy’s interior minister, Angelino Alfano, had previously insisted there was no evidence that Islamic terrorists were sneaking into Europe aboard migrant boats.

LAST WORD: Hallloooo!!!! Anybody home?