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22 November 2015

Whaddaya say we ask...

...Nathan Cirillo's mother about plans to guard Syrian refugees with Canadian military reservists...
“One of my fears is that they won’t have enough boots on the ground and they’re going to get killed.”

The parent also wants to know if soldiers will be properly armed with live ammunition.

“If they are armed and these kids have to defend themselves and end up shooting someone, will the defence minister support them?”
No straight answers here, it looks as though the 'powers that be' will be playing "hot potato" with this one as well...
The defence department refused to say if military personnel will be used to guard refugees, or whether soldiers would be armed in the event they are used for security, or discuss any potential rules of engagement.

“We suggest that you contact Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada for further details as they are the lead for this initiative,” DND spokesman Dominique Tessier said.
And round and round we go.