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28 November 2015

Toronto's Fred Victor Mission... a bold new initiative designed to give purpose and employment to some of the city's worst alcoholics, has announced they will be setting up a distillery in a warehouse adjacent to their Toronto mission and hostel facility.

Naw... just kidding. I mean that would be absolutely insane, right?


RELATED: Making Cheech & Chong blush...

...Dave's really not here, man...what could possibly go wrong?
The Government of Canada’s Aboriginal Portal has resources dealing with addictions. The Partnership For a Drug Free Canada is also running a nationwide drug prevention campaign. Additionally, Health Canada provides helpful information on drug prevention strategies for Canadians.
While we're stimulating local economies, why not ask Colt Canada if they'll set up an aboriginal-run factory to manufacture C7 assault rifles.

I mean, what could possibly go wro... wait a minute...aboriginal pot industry
"No, that's not a parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas. It's a list of Kanesatake Mohawk Police weapons that have disappeared."