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18 November 2015

Parris Island Chief DI - 2030 AD

From our voluminous "calls it as I sees it" file...mouths of babes
A 10 year-old just penned a letter to the Navy, thanking troops for their service and wishing them well.

Thank you for your service. Me and my family are so thankful for you troops protecting us. Thank you for trying your hardest to protect our country. Good luck on killing those ISIS fucks.”
Misty Allen-Brummett received a copy of a letter sent to her husband, a navy sailor, as a part of a care package from school-aged children in the United States.
“The mother at first was going to make him change the bad language but then decided that maybe the troops would get a good laugh and sent it with his candy and a letter from herself,” Allen-Brummett said.

A survey done by the Arab Center For Research reveals that 13% of Syrian refugees APPROVE of the ISIS terrorists.

13% of 25,000 is 3250...can Justin count all the way to 3250?

LAST WORD: It's the darndest coincidence...

I've been following this story because, despite being arrested on Parliament Hill with a weapon, the police and media were STRANGELY RELUCTANT to release this person's identity.

Well, looky here...
A lawyer for Yasin Ali asked for the assessment in court Wednesday after the 56-year-old appeared by video from the courthouse cellblock on a charge of carrying a concealed cleaver into Parliament.

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson told reporters that Ali is known to authorities, but “not in the sort of counter-terrorism context.”

In fact, Paulson does not believe that the man’s actions were politically motivated or an act of terror.
Yeah, ol' Yasin was probably just a little cranky because the Liberals are talking about cancelling income splitting.
Ali’s court appearance Wednesday was slightly delayed after it became apparent he might need the assistance of an interpreter as he speaks Somali Arabic.

It is NOT KNOWN why he was in Ottawa or on Parliament Hill.
Yup... it's a freakin' mystery.

And, there's this...

Call me wacky... but if your mentally-ill son likes to dress up and play Soldiers & Jihadis... maybe you should try keeping a much closer watch on him...
Uniformed officers shot the suspected suicide bomber four times, the source said. The man, whose nationality was not immediately clear, was rushed to the trauma centre at St. Mike’s hospital in Toronto. He is expected to survive.
Coming soon to a street corner near you.