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27 November 2015

His fever dreams... your money

He claims to be a climate warrior, but rather than donate his own "dirty, carbon-stained money" to the Sierra Club or Greenpeace... Justin Trudeau has financial advisors working to increase his tainted eco-criminal funds.bankrupting canadaRemember, Justin Trudeau is a millionaire. He didn't earn this money, he inherited it from his grandfather's sale of a chain of... wait for it... GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS. He doesn't actually need the inherited windfall, with just his outrageous Parliamentary salary and gold-plated pension, Justin will never want for Grey Goose and caviar.

Instead, our "hottie" PM has decided he'll donate your money to the cause.
VALLETTA, Malta -- Canada is making a five-year, $2.65 billion contribution to help developing countries tackle climate change.
Note... "climate change" is the newest name for what used to be called "global warming" before, you know... it turned out that a lot of the numbers supporting this theory, including the infamous "hockey stick graph" turned out to be proveably false.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the announcement Friday at the summit of Commonwealth leaders in Malta, where the battle against global warming is becoming the dominant issue.
Of course, we all know how wisely developing countries allocate their donated cash monies... every African dictator extant has his own special Swiss bank account.
"One example is the son of Equatorial Guinea’s dictator, who owns a $1.4 million Bugatti and a $35 million Malibu mansion, all on a $4,000 monthly salary."
Despite all this, Justin Trudeau has decided to redistribute the better part of 3 billion dollars of Canadian taxpayers money to highlight his presently dubious eco-credentials.

Just something to consider next time you're sitting in a hospital emergency room for six hours, waiting to see a doctor. (h/t Rich)


RELATED: Shelling out the Tru-dough
OTTAWA — The Liberal government, elected on a platform that pledged to ban partisan advertising, is set to launch a $500,000 digital ad campaign to boost public support for its plan to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year, according to a strategic plan document obtained by the National Post.
They look you right in the face and they lie.