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02 October 2015

Pencils write poetry...

...chainsaws clearcut forests.

Remember... it's only what's in your hand... not what's in your heart or cycle
"Good, because you’re a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second."

And then he shot and killed them.
But this isn't actually about facts, is it...
"All he ever did was put everybody before himself. He wanted everyone to be happy. No matter if he was sad or mad, he would always try to cheer up everybody," she said of her stepbrother – though she'd only met him a few times and had not spoken with him in about a year.
Thank you, fourth estate.


RELATED: If you take legal guns away...

...from law-abiding American citizens, there will be no more crazy people, no more criminals...

The media is really bearing down on this "teetotaling Nazi" meme, trying to paint the shooter as a racist, tea-partying neo-conservative.

Sadly for our brothers in journalism, it turns out this nutbar was born in England, went to a special needs school, was afraid of insects but worshipped Satan. Despite his Nazi/Lucifer leanings, he also says on a dating profile that he's "mixed race" which adds yet another layer of nutso to the crazy Nazi cake. Not exactly your typical NRA member.


LAST WORD: It's Hammer, er... Barack Time

But enough about that, let's talk about me.
During today’s 12-minute address, President Obama referred to himself 28 times.
Not a single word about Chris Mintz.
Barack Obama came out immediately Thursday to condemn the Second Amendment for the mass murder of 9 people and the wounding of at least 7 more. What he didn’t mention was the heroism of one student who tried to stop the killer.
And, of course, no invite to the Whitehouse... that's reserved for children of Islamic activists who bring fake bombs to school.