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26 October 2015

I'm guessing none of the folks...

...on this streetcar will ever vote Liberal again...
The initial monologue from Yatim, who had chased off all the passengers by swinging his knife at a young woman and then parading up the aisle with his penis in his left hand and the knife in the other, was little short of crazed.
Bear in mind that the woman in question has said she would have had her throat slashed had she not jerked back out of the way. In non-Justin circles, we call that attempted murder.

So, switchblade in one fist... his dick in the other... screaming racial invective...
“Get the fuck out of here, all of you,” he yelled, knife in hand, to the escapees. “fuck those bitch niggas.” Then, “You’re off. Run. Don’t walk. You’re fucking niggas.”
What do you do with a mad dog?

You put it down.

Sorry folks, James Forcillo deserves a commendation, not a murder trial.



Next time you get mugged, try calling a politician...brave new world
"Facts are stubborn things, but it is probably asking too much for anti-cop bigots to recognize them. Yet for the president of the United States to cheer their movement is more than a mistake. It is another tragic illustration of how Obama is taking America backward."
Exactly what sort of facts are we talking about here?
"The New York City murder rate is typical. Year in, year out, about 90 percent of homicide victims are nonwhite males, as are 90 percent of their killers."
Funny how seldom things like that get mentioned in the media. And that's incredibly corrosive and misleading.
"For the president to emphasize that there are brutal and racist cops, presumably white, without citing the staggering rate of black-on-black crime distorts both problems."
Now that Canada has elected Justin "Obama Lite" Trudeau, will we see a similar swing to so called "progressive" values?

When did cops become the enemy?