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10 September 2015

Would Tommy Trotsky forgive & forget...

...if his Director of Communications had told the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia to go f#ck himself?

I suspect not.

shawn dearnApparently crapping on Catholicism is no biggie at Dipper HQ.

Said Mr Mulcair...
"He's made a mistake and he has apologized for it. For me, that's enough."
would prime minister mulcair visit the vatican?Here's a thought... if Tommy actually got himself elected PM, would he bring pottymouth Shawn Dearn on a visit to the Vatican?


UPDATE: Compare and contrast
Pissed in customer’s cup” versus "Pissed on whole religion."

RELATED: Speaking of Top Aides...

...she learned from the master...
Ms. Abedin, who served as a deputy chief of staff to Mrs. Clinton from 2009 to late 2012, told investigators she hadn’t noticed she had received a $33,000 lump sum payment — about a third of which investigators determined was improper — when she left the State Department.
When the left does it... it's not a problem.