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28 September 2015

Tommy Hijabfiger moves any further left...

...he'll be living in a cave in Tora-Bora...
“This is a political game being played on the backs of all Canadians who have different origins than old-stock Canadians and I am going to stand up against it.”
Sorry, Tommy... this isn't about "origins" at all. There are plenty of law-abiding immigrants in this country. Far from affecting groups of people, Bill C24 might apply to 30 of Canada's 32 million people.

This is about treason. It's about terrorism. It's about wholesale slaughter of innocents. This is actually about direct action against would be murderers of Canadian citizens.

As it stands, under Canada's existing laws, Zakaria Amara is eligible for parole in 2016. If this convicted terrorist is going to be walking around free next year, I'd rather he be living the dream in Amman, Jordan than in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver.

Let's ask a Conservative Minister...
“If somebody is found guilty of violent disloyalty to Canada, in this instance planning to murder hundreds or potentially thousands of Canadians for ideological reasons, that they are in so doing forfeiting their Canadian citizenship,” Defence Minister Jason Kenney said.
I'm good with that.

I suspect a majority of my fellow Canadians are as well. I guess we'll find out next month.