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17 September 2015

I don't know how she missed...

...the roundup, barcoding and forced exile of homo & transsexual individuals to that gulag on Baffin Island...
In the October issue of Harper's Magazine Heather Mallick​ ​examines the career of Stephen Harper, who some have called, “a replicant of the Blade Runner variety.” The evidence is certainly convincing: “he speaks in a monotone, he’s impossibly rigid, and he seems unable to understand the emotions of others.”

Since he took office in 2006, Mallick writes, Harper has imported some of the worst American policy ideas—slashing the federal budget, introducing mandatory prison sentences, attacking climate scientists, expanding the war on drugs—in an attempt to turn Canada into “a nastier version of Texas.”

If he wins reelection on October 19, Mallick concludes, “Americans might want to consider a wall.”
I'm not even sure how that makes sense as one of Mallicks accusations is that, "Harper has imported some of the worst American policy ideas..."

Mallick's crowning journalistic flourish is asking if Stephen Harper's hair is "damp to the touch." She stops just shy of calling him "a silly poopyhead."

In this one article, Miz Mallick sums up all the vitriol & hysteria of the lunatic left. Here is "Harper Derangement Syndrome" at its finest.

Yet another drive-by hit-piece by your professional and intellectual superiors.


RELATED: The story Ms. Malice missedjustin going downIs Shiny Pony being put out to pasture?


LAST WORD: I wonder if Justin's good with...

...female genital mutilation, too?
OTTAWA, CANADA: A Canadian Liberal government would allow new citizens to wear a veil at citizenship ceremonies, its leader said Friday, bucking popular opinion just a month away from elections.
I remember how he lobbied to bring Omar Khadr home.

Just something else to remember on October 19th.