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29 August 2015

Your hard earned money...

...his Manifesto...

Is Tommy Trotsky talking about rescheduling Liberal Ruby Dhalla's old age pension gravy train?

You remember...
"Allowing new Canadians to start receiving OAS after just three years, opposed to the current ten, would have cost taxpayers an estimated $700 million dollars per year."
What does it tell you, that, even the immigrant communities most concerned balked at the financial consequences of that shiny pre-election bauble.

As hot as this particular political potato may be, it appears the NDP isn't afraid to play with fire...
"While their immigration policies are not displayed anywhere on their website, the NDP has begun privately touting their plans to boost the number of parents and grandparents sponsored to immigrate into Canada.

Just last week, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair told a group of South Asians in Surrey that family reunification for grandparents would be a top priority for him as Prime Minister."
"A TOP PRIORITY," huh, Tommy?

Your NDP folks... the Party of Pander. I wonder what else the Dippers have in their goody bag.