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10 August 2015

Think of Trump as a weathervane

Let's face it... anyone to the political right of Bert and Ernie is sick and tired of being shunned and vilified for falling out of lockstep with the politically-correct herd.
“People have to get their minds wrapped around the fact that the seething fury at the leadership of the Republican Party is real, and it’s going to bubble over somehow with somebody, and right now it’s with Trump.”
Donald Trump has become a lightning rod for the frustration & anger of a large segment of the American people.

In today's softly feathered, no consequences, celebrate everyone Dreamlandia there is only one real sin and that is holding socially conservative views. If you are opposed to abortion, if you want to punish criminals, if you don't want to unreservedly celebrate Bruce, er... Caitlyn Jenner's seemingly redundant penis... then you are the "thought criminal."

I suspect that (to make just one guess in hindsight) if Donald Trump had been president in September 2001, Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden's Tora-Bora hideaway would've been scattered across the Afghani landscape like a Lego set at the end of a toddler's exhausting but cathartic nap-free afternoon.

And Americans would've been fine with that. I think Jeb and the boys had best be watching their six.


UPDATE: Teflon Don
A Morning Consult tracking online national poll found Trump increasing his lead to 32 percent -- 21 percentage points ahead of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who garnered 11 percent.
Go figure.