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14 August 2015

The government that Justin Trudeau...

...admires above any other...
Hundreds of families have fled their homes amid fears a cocktail of deadly chemicals had been spewed into the atmosphere after two huge explosions rocked the Chinese port city of Tianjin. At least 50 people have died and 700 injured after the blasts erupted at a warehouse for hazardous materials, leaving an apocalyptic landscape of incinerated cars, crumpled shipping containers and burnt-out buildings.

It is believed the warehouse contained at least 700 tonnes of sodium cyanide, a toxic chemical that can kill rapidly if inhaled, as well as other highly flammable and dangerous materials.

As chemical experts were sent to assess the scene, officials fuelled panic by refusing to say what was being stored or offering any explanation for the cause of the disaster.
Sure, Justin... being a dictatorship does have its advantages.


RELATED: Smell the roses
"Physicists at the University of California have found 1.6 million people in China die each year from heart, lung and stroke problems because of polluted air."
Well, heck... it's not like there's any shortage of people... right?


LAST WORD: Even his media lapdogs...

...are mocking Trudeau's Care Bear Moment.