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18 July 2015

BIG SOCIALISM: They'd like to buy...

...the world a coke...
Neither Trudeau nor Mulcair were willing to address one of the thornier of current native issues: the insistence by the Mohawk community of Kahnawake, near Montreal, that non-natives who marry Mohawks be driven from the reserve.
Apparently, Tommy Trotsky and the Ghost of Pierre just wanna rock like it's 1939...
Mulcair simply dodged the question, twice, while Trudeau replied: “We need to make sure that we’re working together so that situations like this don’t come up and cause the friction and uncertainty that far too many people are living right now.”
Oh, c'mon Justin... what's a little ethnic cleansing among friends? Maybe you need to ask yourself, "What would that uber-efficient Chinese dictatorship do?"

Also... you're gonna need a bigger boat, er... cereal box to accomodate all 60 native tongues...
AFN national chief Perry Bellegarde called for all indigenous tongues in Canada to be declared official languages with similar status to French and English.
Sure that'd solve everything.

Hey, here's a thought. Let's combat misogyny by implementing mandatory breast implant surgery for Canadian men... so they can be more like that "courageous" Bruce Jenner.