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01 June 2015

Fifty Shades of Freddie

I'm not an unreasonable fellow. If Anti-Crime measures aren't working anymore... why not just go "balls to the wall Pro-Crime?"halls of macadamia/What's Pro-Crime, you ask? It's a sort of "free market" for "non-conformist, don't fence me in" entrepreneurs.
"There’s room for debating how well anti-crime policies work, but there’s no doubt that pro-crime policies deliver swift and efficient results. Just take a walk in Freddie Gray’s old neighborhood. And try not to get shot."
Let Baltimore give this thing a six month trial run and see if things get better or worse.

With 51 bodies in the ground since Freddie Gray died 7 weeks ago, what does B'more have to lose?

PS... no worries here in Canada, right?