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26 May 2015


Remember... if a black man says it... it can't be racist...halls of macadamia/
Neighbors who spoke to WJZ didn’t want to be identified for fear of retaliation. “If you say something to these young people they’re ready to take your head off.”

RELATED: "Big Firearms" best friend

Never mind ISIS in Iraq... President Ipromise I'llpullout can't even stop the war in Washington, DC...
Six people were shot in Washington, D.C., over an 8-hour period stretching from Sunday night to early Monday, including one man killed in Northeast and three people injured in two separate robbery attempts in the Brightwood neighborhood in Northwest.
Police Chief James Craig said at a Tuesday media conference that he’d avoid getting gas late at night in the city unless he had to, and he urged residents to be careful at the pump, according to Tom Greenwood of The Detroit News.

Craig’s commented after a driver was killed early Monday evening while trying to flee a carjackihg attempt at an east-side gas station.
By now, everybody knows that sales of firearms and ammunition have surged nationwide under the Obama administration. Coupled with Obama's unrestrained, divisive racial pot-stirring (Skip Gates, Trayvon Martin & Michael Brown), it pushes middle America down the road to increasing civil unrest.