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11 April 2015

White Privilege is killing our native sisters...

...but even if it isn't...
OTTAWA -- NDP aboriginal affairs critic Niki Ashton says if most murdered aboriginal women are killed by aboriginal men, that bolsters calls for a national inquiry to find out why.
How many under-employed bureaucrats and publicity-hungry politicians can dance on the head of a 50 million dollar Royal Commission? The NDP aims to find out.

Heads, Niki wins... tails, taxpayers lose.


UPDATE: The RCMP has to be lying...'s gotta be the white dudes, right?
Bernice Martial, Grand Chief of the Confederacy of Treaty Six Nations and also Alberta’s Cold Lake First Nation, said she is “appalled.” She believes the information is “inaccurate and untrue...”
If those numbers got you riled up, Bernice... you're gonna love this...
"The incarceration rate of aboriginal men is 11 times that of non-native men; of women, it is 250 times the rate for non-native women."
Hmmm... you think those numbers might have something to do with aboriginal women going missing?


RELATED: Speaking of murder mysteries...

...what's up with this place?
An adult man sustained non-life threatening injuries Friday night after the third shooting just this week near Jane and Finch.
Probably a bunch of those darn Naval cadets.