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08 April 2015

Out of the Broom Closet and into the...

...well... you know...i know, let's play witches
Heather Arlene Carr, who died after setting a fire in a local park, was participating in a pagan ritual that went wrong, according to her husband. Carr was active among Wiccan groups on social media, operating a Facebook group called Being Pagan - Out of the Broom Closet.
The CBC leaves out a few small details. You have to go to NatPo (click on picture above) to see that Ms. Carr had more than Wicca on her plate...
"Carr was a former social worker in Merritt, who went on long-term disability after three children in her case-management file were murdered by their father, Allan Schoenborn."
See, Glinda... there's a price. This wasn't a 15 year old goth-girl with a snootful of crank. This was an alleged career professional with way too much time (and a medieval belief system) on her hands.


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