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31 March 2015

THE JUSTIN PARTY: Required Reading

From "Party of One," the scary, post apocalyptic Michael Harris fairy story about evil Stephen Harper's "sabre-rattling"...
"The White House, the Pentagon, American and Israeli intelligence, and the IAEA had all come to the same conclusion based on the evidence: Iran does not have a nuclear weapon, is not building one, and has not decided to build one."
Meanwhile, back in the real world...
Lausanne, Switzerland, March 30, 2015 3:55 pm - Iran rejected on Monday ongoing demands by Western powers that it export to Russia its stockpiles of enriched uranium, the key component in a nuclear bomb. “The export of stocks of enriched uranium is not in our program, and we do not intend sending them abroad,” Abbas Araqchi, an Iranian negotiator and diplomat, was quoted as telling the country’s state-run press. “There is no question of sending the stocks abroad.”
Oh, yeah... that enriched uranium.

Need another example?
"Since dismantling the Long Gun Registry, the Harper government has four times delayed rules that would assign serial numbers to guns."
That's funny, EVERY GUN I've ever owned, EVERY GUN I've ever seen, including an octagonal barrelled muzzle loading rifle from the 1800's has had a serial number.

Perhaps Mr Harris is referring to tattooing serial numbers on gun owners themselves? I do know that when I go to Canadian Tire to buy .22 ammunition for my tin can plinker, I have to present my state-issued photo-id Firearms Licence which duly records my every crime against humanity.


"Any serial number can be filed off, including a Liberal one."
As articulated elsewhere... "Increasingly complex gun control legislation is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."