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09 February 2015

You can fool some of the people...

...some of the time...

pick the dumb blonde
“Does Justin Trudeau's process for selecting candidates involve, by any chance, a jug of hooch and a wheelbarrow?
That'd be selecting the Conservative Party's discards...
“After Ms. Adams' request of just a couple weeks ago to seek the Conservative Party nomination in a new seat, I informed her in writing on Jan. 29 that she would not be permitted to run for our Party in the next election due to the misconduct from the Oakville North-Burlington nomination race.”

RELATED: Who is Eve Adams?
Her municipal career was also punctuated with embarrassing incidents. During the 2003 race, her husband, Peter, and brother Jim were found with a carload of purloined election signs belonging to her opponents. Charges of possession of stolen property were later dropped in exchange for a charitable donation.
So much for the vetting process.

While we're highlighting Justin's political acumen...
An Abacus poll last week suggested Harper is the major-party leader most respondents would trust to run a large company, counsel an investor, or negotiate a contract. Respondents imagined Trudeau would be the best leader to sing a song, babysit a pet or survive in the wilderness.
That "surviving the wilderness" thing... I'm not so sure.


UPDATE: The Libranos get a new recruit
New Liberal MP Eve Adams has confirmed she'll attempt a run for the Liberal nomination to take on Finance Minister Joe Oliver in Toronto's Eglinton-Lawrence riding.
Yay Justin.