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19 February 2015

12 Billion dollars yearly on Aboriginal affairs

More money isn't the solution... it's where existing monies disappear to...
“It all boils down to lack of services," Band councillor Dean Mitsuing said. "We don't get the same funding as everyone else -- maybe that could have stopped this, we don't have any services on the reserve.”
Wait a minute... apparently, Dean... you do.
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada lists Makwa Sahgaiehcan as having a fire hall. An access-to-information request by The Canadian Press shows the band was given just over $11,000 for fire protection in each of the 2012-13 and 2013-14 fiscal years.
(h/t SDA)

That $11,000 was more than double the retainer the band were supposed to be paying to the nearby Loon Lake fire department.

Perhaps if the money shows up under somebody's mattress, they can use it for funeral expenses.

Let's remember, Justin Trudeau has said he'll dismantle legislation that puts everyday audit controls (that every other Canadian has to live with) on the billions of dollars in aboriginal subsidies.


RELATED: It's a mystery


LAST WORD: Who needs audit controls

We can trust what the community tells us, right?
No, that's not a parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas. It's a list of Kanesatake Mohawk Police weapons that have disappeared.
That's the cops... whaddaya think the "not cops" are up to?