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20 January 2015

Where stereotypes come from

Although it's possible that being killed for your "bling" is more of a caricature...
TORONTO - Mohammed and a friend — a man wearing a “tremendous amount of expensive gold jewelry” — visited the restroom where they were attacked by three men who tried to snatch the friend’s chains, homicide Det.-Sgt. Gary Giroux said about a week after the slaying. “A violent struggle ensued” and Mohammed helped his friend break free from his assailants, Giroux said.

The two pals headed to the front of the restaurant, which was filled with upwards of 60 patrons at the time. The attackers followed, gunfire erupted and Mohammed was killed.

Marcus Gibson, 22, and Ceyon Carrington, 28, both of Toronto, are now each charged with first-degree murder and other related offences, police said.
Which raises the question... is it racism... IF IT'S FACTUAL?
Blacks are about 14% of US population; but young black men are about 13% of the total black population. So, 13 X 14 = 1.82, less than 2% of our population commits more than half of all American gun murders.
If this math is correct it is truly mind-boggling.


free at last
"Sure, Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t explicitly say he had a dream that one day your cousin Mooney could get crunk in any establishment regardless of color in his famous speech, but that’s still a part of being free. (…) Why not put on those red bottoms you worked so hard to get and drop it low in the name of progress?"
Free at last.