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31 January 2015

The Paris Hilton...

...of Canadian politics...
“Please finish the following sentence: If elected, my first full day as prime minster I would…”

The transcript on the paper’s website writes “Pause” before Trudeau’s response. That was exceedingly generous. I would have put “Epic pause.”

It lasts around nine seconds. Which on video – as anyone with media training knows – feels like pretty much an hour. In that time Trudeau widens his eyes. Shrugs. Gives a coy smile. Exhales.
The Crown Prince did his best, but was, as usual, less than impressive.
A couple of problems here. Can anyone discern any actual content in this answer? Aside from the fact that he intends to do something like phone up the mayor of Kingston and promise he won’t swear at him or something like that.
Gomer city... again.