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17 January 2015

The hippopotamus before the cart

I know it's a brave new world and standards have been relaxed to accomodate, well... all sorts of things... but what sort of chucklehead, after 24 weeks of training, can't figure out radio protocol, or how to put on a bulletproof vest?

The answer, apparently... is lots.
“Sightings were being reported based on caller location (as opposed to suspect location), then broadcast out of order.

Many RCMP officers did not know that hard body armour was available in vehicles while others were not familiar with how to wear the equipment properly, the report said.
The review, which was led by Alphonse MacNeil, a retired RCMP assistant commissioner, after detailing these startling shortcomings, got down to brass tacks...policing for dummiesWhoa, Alphonse, pump the brakes... if your people can't figure out the vests (we're talking velcro straps, right?) without attending special post academy training classes... should we really be handing them more powerful guns?

Maybe the "get a bigger hammer" school of policing isn't the only answer here.


RELATED: And just this morning...
"One is in very grave condition, and the other is in serious but stable condition," RCMP assistant commissioner Marlin Degrand said at a news conference on Saturday.
Whatever happened here, I'm pretty sure bigger guns are not the solution.