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07 January 2015

Satire... the newest capital crime

All those folks who opposed the death penalty for Paul Bernardo and his ilk... how much energy will they expend on today's bloody extra-legal executions in Paris?killkillkill**********


That's some "Religion of Peace" you've got going there.
At least four of France’s most celebrated cartoonists—Stéphane “Charb” Charbonnier, Jean “Cabu” Cabut, Georges Wolinski, and Bernard “Tignous” Verlhac—are dead after two gunmen attacked a satirical magazine in Paris on Wednesday, shouting “We have avenged the Prophet.”
You figure Bill Watterson and Scott Adams might be shopping for a "Panic Room?"


RELATED: CTV's team of crack reporters...

"Of course she got raped... you could almost see her snatch in that miniskirt!"


LAST WORD: A rose by any other...
Le Point reported French police were focusing on two suspects whom the magazine described as "French-Algerian." According to Le Point the two men, who were 32 and 34-years old, returned to France from Syria last summer.
Syria? Syria? That sounds so familiar.