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13 January 2015

Just another tone deaf political gaffe...

...or is the White House letting the figurative veil slip yet again?that'd explain a few thingsEither way, you get shown up by the likes of the Palestinian Authority... it's time to find a new playbook. Even the usual Obama cheerleaders are calling this a train wreck...
President Obama’s decision not to attend yesterday’s Unity Rally in Paris in response to the terrorist horrors of this past week may register as his most disturbing, and profoundly harmful, public relations mishap to date.
Republicans were equally outraged...
The absence is symbolic of the lack of American leadership on the world stage, and it is dangerous. The attack on Paris, just like previous assaults on Israel and other allies, is an attack on our shared values. And, we are stronger when we stand together, as French President François Hollande said, for “liberty, equality, and fraternity.”
It could have been worse... at least this time, Obama's handlers kept him off the golf course.


He also called the Paris terrorist attacks “un complot,” or conspiracy, and launched into a lengthy explanation of the “magical Jews” behind it. They were not ordinary Jews, he said, but a “hybrid race of shape shifters” who have extraordinary abilities.
Ignorant. Racist. Criminal.

Can France recover from this situation? It sure doesn't sound like it.


UPDATE: Was it a deliberate snub?
From nearly the beginning of the president's term, the Whitehouse made clear it did not want to refer to Islamic jihad as either Islamic or jihad. As the world watched images of black-clad, AK-47-wielding terrorists killing Parisians, Obama proposed to meet the threat with social service providers.
Sounds like more of Obama's political sleight of hand to me.