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26 January 2015

Apparently, Baracko Bama's magic jet...

...runs on unicorn farts & magic fairy dust...
On Sunday, President Barack Obama released an anti-oil drilling environmental video shot aboard Air Force One–an aircraft that has a 53,611 gallon fuel capacity.

On Saturday, Obama flew Air Force One over 8,000+ miles to India to discuss global warming and other issues.

RELATED: It's a four hour stopover...

...gotta choose your destination wisely...
The visit comes in the wake of the first state sanctioned beheading under the new King – a brutal practice that was carried out unabated under the reign of Abdullah, for crimes including ‘political dissent’.

While Obama and Kerry make nice with a regime which has a disgusting human rights record, they are skipping the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, to be attended by almost all European heads of state.
Yeah, dude... party like it's 1026.