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08 December 2014

We're all gonna die... we're all gonna die

...just not from legally owned firearms...
When the federal Conservative government abolished the long-gun registry back in 2012, gun-control advocates predicted no end to the criminal chaos that would result.

If duck hunters, farmers and collectors were no longer required to register their rifles and shotguns, women would not be safe in their homes. They would be slaughtered by their murderous male partners.

Gun-control activists also forecast rampant crime in Canadian streets. And, of course, the murder rate would soar.

However the 2013 homicide figures were released by Statistics Canada on Monday. In the first full year without the registry, the murder rate in Canada went down significantly – 8%.

More specifically, “the rate of firearm-related homicide decreased 25%.”
So, the next time you hear Thomas Mulcair and the NDP want to cough up another 2 billion dollars to revive the long gun registry (remember, handguns have had their own registry for 85 years now and long gun owners already jump through expensive and extensive hoops to buy firearms of any stripe), just crunch the numbers and ask yourself if you actually have some extra cash to donate to the federal deficit.

To paraphrase Jeff Cooper... a complicated and expensive solution to a problem that doesn't even exist.


BREAKING: Domestic dispute @Uncle Tom's Cabin...
Dare I say it... did Mr Mulcair "shoot himself in the foot?"