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28 December 2014

Those damn Mennonites...

...are at it again...
Police said the victim of the brazen, 3:30 p.m. shooting -- also a young man -- is not being much help to investigators and refusing to provide much detail. In fact, he cursed at police in the back of the ambulance when they grilled him for information.

Police arrested two men, allegedly affiliated with the Crips street gang, at the scene on Friday afternoon. The men, believed to be in their 20s, were held for several hours, questioned and released without charge. Police said they are known to Guns and Gangs investigators.
The victim, who is expected to make a full recovery, is known to police.

It was the city's record-breaking 46th shooting of the year -- double the number from 2011 and 16 more than last year.
Sleep tight Ottawa.


UPDATE: As Canadian as Gamil Gharbi
The accused, 26-year-old Yaqoub Ali, like many of the “persons of interest” (Abdulaziz & Nawaf Al-Enzi) and even victims (Adel Al-Enzi) in the 48 reported shootings in 2014, is well known to the police guns and gangs unit.

Adel and Abdulaziz are half-brothers of Nawaf Al-Enzi, who is awaiting a second trial for what’s alleged to be the gangland execution of Ledbury-Banff Crips member and drug dealer Mohamad Zalal.
Yup... Mennonites.