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24 December 2014

The short answer is...

...people die...don't need a weathermanOh, right... the question is... "What happens when you let sympathy cloud what should be the straightforward balancing of an equation?

The Eaton Centre shooter was released on bail... TWICE... before he went on to commit multiple murders and maimings. The legal system isn't just broken... it has been burned to the ground. Remember, people died here... and innocent bystanders were seriously injured.

So when will we learn our lesson?

It's coming to a head, I think, as evidenced by reaction in the comments to the statement, "Jail is a hard place, getting harder all the time."

And good gawd, let's not get started on the horrors of powdered milk. Or, maybe... let's do.

Ballbounces writes... "If drinking powdered milk is a cruelty, then I had a cruel upbringing. Who do I sue?"

To which Big Red replies... "I am with you. We need to start a class action suit. When I was a kid, times were so bad we used to eat our powdered milk dry, with a spoon. Couldn't afford the water to mix it up."

Earl Smith then weighs in... "A spoon. A SPOON??? Utter luxury. We dreamed and prayed for a spoon in our family, we were so poor."

I'm stunned that anyone could regard "powdered milk" for murderers as any sort of an issue. Didn't we just used to hang these guys?

I don't know if dead is a hard place, except maybe for all the folks you leave behind. I do know that it's more difficult to deal with than powdered milk.

Let's get our collective heads out of our asses. No more sympathy over cold, hard facts.