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01 December 2014

Never a President around...

...when you really, really need one.

Just another story you won't see on CBC night after night for the next ten days.

not enough of a gentle giant, i guessI guess if Barack Obama actually had that hypothetical son, he wouldn't look like Zemir Begic.
ST. LOUIS • A third male suspect in a deadly hammer attack over the weekend in the Bevo Mill neighborhood turned himself into city police headquarters late Sunday night, police say. The third suspect is 17. Two other males, 15 and 16, were in custody earlier Sunday.

“There is no indication that the gentleman last night was targeted because he was Bosnian,” said St. Louis police Chief Sam Dotson.
Geez, Sam... can you think of any other reason Mr Begic might have been singled out? Or were your youthful suspects just beating random people to death with hammers that night?

[nb. click on Zemir Begic's picture to get the full story]


RELATED: So where is the President?
After the 12 p.m. Oval Office meeting, Obama will gather with "young local and national civil rights leaders." The White House didn't say what will be discussed, but a spokeswoman for Sharpton, an ally of the Brown family, confirmed he would attend.
Will Zemir Begic's "allies" get a face to face meeting with the President of the United States?

Maybe someone should ask Peter Mansbridge.


LAST WORD: Another call to race war?
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a fiery tirade about Ferguson [at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md.] on Saturday — threatening that if the demands of protesters aren’t met, “we’ll tear this goddamn country apart!”

“We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something,” Farrakhan told the crowd to roaring applause.
And again, not a peep from President Hopey-Changey.