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24 December 2014

Mayor Theodore Hoskins, Berkeley, Missouri...

Dear Sir...

Here at Acme Insurance and Loan we pride ourselves on our service and congeniality. Therefore, it is with no small regret that we inform you that we will no longer be able to conduct business with the city of Berkeley.

Our policies with your sister city of Ferguson have forced Acme Insurance into Chapter 11. It saddens us to have to close down after 121 years in business, but as you know, one cannot predict the future.

In closing, I would only point out that our latest business venture, Acme Body Armour Inc., has not been adversely affected by recent events.

You may wish to place orders early as we anticipate brisk holiday sales.


Irvine J. Fartbuckle


UPDATE: The Berkeley blowback

Remember... every single Police Officer is a despicable murderer and every Black man is an innocent bystander.

No exceptions.
“Do you have to treat EVERY SITUATION with lethal force? It’s not a racial issue, or black or white. It’s wrong or right,” said 36-year-old Orlando Brown, one of the protesters.
Well, Orlando... how about when someone points a loaded pistol at a cop? Is the officer allowed to shoot then?
Police released surveillance video from the parking lot outside the store. The nearly two-minute clip shows two young men leaving the store as a patrol car rolls up, and the officer gets out and speaks with them. About 90 seconds later, the video appears to show one of the men raising his arm, though what he is holding is difficult to see because they were several feet from the camera. Belmar said it was a 9mm handgun — loaded with one round in the chamber and five more in the magazine.
One other consideration might be the person's previous behavior. Was Antonio Martin an innocent bystander who made a single bad decision?
Martin had a criminal record that included three assault charges and others for armed robbery, armed criminal action and unlawful use of a weapon.
That's a pretty impressive C.V. for an 18-year-old.

Remember, though... none of that matters. Not to the "Community" or the mainstream media.