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01 November 2014

You wouldn't understand, it's...

...a Canadian thing...
The Security Service Employees Association requested last year that they be armed when working outside the Parliament buildings.

The association said there would be an expectation from parliamentarians, the RCMP and the public that guards would respond in the event of a security crisis, but without guns, guards would not be able to respond to any armed attack that put lives at risk.
And how did the bureaucracy respond?
In a letter to the association dated Oct. 28, 2013, however, Commons Clerk Audrey O’Brien denied the request. Security Constables were told instead to “retreat” and let the RCMP handle any threat.
Told to retreat. That seems to be an all-too-common refrain in Canada these days. Like telling our soldiers not to wear their uniforms in public.

When exactly did standing your ground... politically, culturally, emotionally... or simply protecting yourself and your family... become a bad thing?