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23 October 2014

We don' need no steenkin facts

Just something to consider the next time Ferguson, Missouri goes up in flames...
Criminology professor David Klinger told KMOX’s Charlie Brennan that he conducted a thorough, decade-long study that showed there were 1,265 murders over that time, with 90 percent of the victims being black. And 90 percent of those black victims were killed by other blacks.

“While I understand the people are concerned about the use of deadly force by the police, by far – about 50 to 1 – more blacks in St. Louis are killed by other blacks as compared to white police officers,” Klinger says.

Over that same period, Klinger says 31 blacks were killed by police officers – 21 by white police officers.

“The sad fact is, we had well over a thousand black-on-black homicides in the city of St. Louis during that same decade,” he says.

NYAH, NYAH, NYAH... we can't hear you
Seven or eight African American eyewitnesses have provided testimony consistent with Wilson’s account, but none of them have spoken publicly out of fear for their safety, The Washington Post’s sources said.