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24 October 2014

More Rainbows and Unicorns...

...from the son of an infamous Canadian draft-dodger...insert alt text hereJustin Trudeau, celebrated successor to the Liberal throne, ostensibly speaking for all Canadians, addressed the attack on the House of Commons and the murder of a second Canadian soldier in the space of two days without once using the words "TERRORISM" or "MURDER".
Whatever else you might say about Pierre-lite... that boy is fleet of mouth.

Despite these omissions, the heir transparent offers up his own body and those of his band of merry social workers to solve these "acts of violence".
I’ve extended an offer of full support to the government, along with any assistance members of our party can provide at this time.
Sure thing, kiddo... you and your peeps jock up, grab Glocks and kevlar and synch up with the Mounties at Centre Block.

Oh, wait... "full support" actually means standing up during question period and assembling weaselly words into thinly disguised attacks on Stephen Harper. 

Sort of like your "dick joke" in support of sending Canadian air-assets to combat ISIS.

And that plug for Moderate Islam was one heck of a touch.
"To our friends and fellow citizens in the Muslim community, Canadians know acts such as these committed in the name of Islam are an aberration of your faith."
Thing is, I'm guessing most Canadians would prefer to hear that sort of thing from the horse's, er... Imam's mouth

Also,  I don't think aberration means what you think it means.

Thre problem with your premise is that these so-called "aberrations of the faith" are daily front page news in any Islamic country I bring to mind. 

Every day we read about bombings and beheadings, the kidnapping of young girls, the murder and mistreatment of wives and daughters... all in the name of Allah.  These places seem less like civilised nations than really, really big gang fights. 

Gang fights with heavy weapons and high explosives.

Sure, people will hold up Turkey as a shining example of a civilised country, but even the Turks aren't above slaughtering thousands of Armenians or Kurds if the wind is blowing in the right direction.

The point I'm trying to make here is that we need to be doing all that we can to stop the spread of this behaviour and this violent belief system into Canada... preferably before we end up under siege... a North American Israel, if you will.

People like Justin Trudeau are telling Canadians that this sort of thing can NEVER happen here. I say only, in response to Justy's touchy-feely left-wing argle-bargle... wake-up and smell the cordite... it already has.

COMPARE AND CONTRAST:   What would Stephen Harper say?
"The gunman who staged a deadly attack Wednesday on Parliament Hill was a terrorist whose despicable crime will only harden Canada's resolve to crack down on terrorists at home and abroad."
CRIME DU JOUR:   Boko Haram strikes again

LAST WORD:   Remember when being critical...

......wasn't a crime against humanity?